What is the purpose of a video wall?

What is the purpose of a video wall?

Benefits of Using a Video Wall and How They Work

Here are 6 benefits that a video wall can bring to your organization:

1. Internal & External Communications

Every corporate workspace, control room or public space has a ton of data and information that needs to be conveyed to either employees, audiences or customers in order to grab their attention or trigger a reaction. “One image is worth a thousand words”: video walls help share information visually in real-time with high impact. With the large number of pixels available, they allow to combine information coming from different sources and in different formats.

For example:

  • Airports use video walls to display flight schedules but also advertisements and emergency messaging in case of evacuations
  • Corporate Lobbies or Breakrooms may want to include daily company announcements, key performance dashboards, their Twitter RSS feed, a welcome message for an important guest and perhaps some corporate messaging or advertising.
  • Corporations and Universities use video walls in collaboration rooms, training/classrooms and visualization suites. They may require the use of third-party collaboration or training software.
  • Emergency Centers use video walls to provide operators with critical information helping them respond quickly and accurately to complex emergency situations.
  • Security and Transportation Monitoring Centers may need access to IP cameras and interact with video management systems.

Whatever the specific needs are, video walls accompanied by the right video wall controller can accomplish any of the scenarios above and are only limited by your imagination or ingenuity.

2. Easy Configuration and Control

Not all advanced technology has to be complex.  Video wall controllers simplify the configuration and operation of video walls, giving users absolute control of what they want to display, where and how on the video wall; offering a completely customizable experience without any programming knowledge. Video wall processors are available for all types of video walls, and some even offer a software platform to manage content distribution throughout several video walls within an organization, a facility or even a multi-site organization, all from a single centralized platform.

Collaborating with a content creation agency may further enhance the visualization experience that you are trying to create, making the most of your video wall investment.

3. Interactivity

Consumers expect intelligent, engaging interactions from companies in today’s technological era. As such, employees expect the same from their employers.

With video walls, you can engage consumers and employees with incredible graphics, but touch screens bring a whole other level of engagement where graphics and/or information is triggered upon the touch of the screen or a portion of the screen.

Touch Wall

4. Reliability & First Impressions

“You never get a second chance to make a great first impression” Have you stepped into a company and noticed “the blue screen of death” on their displays? Or that the video wall was malfunctioning or just off? Typically, such an incident is likely due to the inadequacy of the video wall processor powering the video wall.

Aside from the bad impression that a malfunctioning video wall may cause, more importantly, in an emergency center or a security monitoring facility, a malfunctioning video wall can be catastrophic. While investing in a video wall, it’s worth investing in a cutting-edge video wall processor to maximize your investment. The right video wall processor will not only provide reliability and security, it will also provide increased performance and usability.

5. Multi-Source Visualization

Often, a video wall is used to display content from multiple sources at once. If you need to display video streams from many channels and in various formats on your video wall at once, you’ll need a video wall processor, preferably an interoperable one that can process any content source format and display it on any display type. Some video wall processors have format limitations or are limited to one type of display (LCD, LED, projector) per processor, whereas other more advanced ones are agnostic to source types and displays.

Benefits of Video Walls

6. Increased Flexibility, Scalability and Creativity

Deploying a video wall allows ever-changing content such as promotions, graphics, news, dashboards and any other information, to be easily managed, changed and controlled. Video walls can grow in size, without having to replace displays, but simply by adding more units to increase your canvas size. The right video wall processor can be upgraded on-site to handle more displays without having to completely replace your processor. With the ability to process any type of content from various apps and display sources in any configuration, size, or aspect ratio, content creators and administrators have the creative capacity to do virtually anything they want and easily change layouts and graphics as often as they want with the touch of a button.

Video walls give companies remarkable versatility in their operations. Consider the above-mentioned benefits and incorporate a video wall in your organization to enhance your brand image and increase  productivity.


What is the cost of video wall panel?

What is the cost of video wall panel?

What are video walls?

A video wall is a collection of screens that have been tiled together to form one large display. This can then be used to present content such as videos, images or even different types of data.

The number of screens brought together can vary depending on your needs. For example, you may only need a 2×2 presentation (2 screens wide by 2 screens tall) or you may want to cover an entire wall with a vast digital display.

Video walls offer flexibility in the content you display. You can take one input and show this input across the entire video wall. For example, an advertisement like the one shown in the image below on a 2×2 video wall.

Train station video wall render

Alternatively, you can use a video wall controller in order to feed multiple inputs onto your video wall to show different content on different panels. For example, you could show different data dashboards or CCTV inputs

A wide variety of industries use video walls to convey information to a large number of people, whether that be customers or employees, such as:

  • Retail
  • Control rooms
  • Education
  • Government and public sector
  • Military
  • Healthcare

In a retail store, a video wall could display a video of your new product covering the entire display, while in a control room different types of data could be shown on each screen for your employees. With their size and impressive displays, your information can be communicated quickly and clearly. Regardless of the location, video walls are an effective tool for showcasing your desired message and will have a memorable impact on your audience.

What are the benefits of video walls?

How can video walls help promote your brand?

This technology can be used in a variety of environments to effectively communicate important information and to increase engagement with brand and product messaging.

With the large-format nature of the display, video walls are eye-catching and can engage a large audience at once.

This could mean impressing your visitors in the reception of your building while serving important news and health and safety reminders. In a retail store or shopping mall, the video walls could be used to promote new products and sales. Food and drink vendors in arenas could use video walls to showcase menu items and highlight product promotions.

Outdoor video walls, in particular, are expected to grow in popularity significantly over the next few years as the demand for outdoor digital advertising grows.

Internal communications and engagement
Video walls are an effective outlet for internal communications too. Many organisations use video wall displays in control rooms, command centres and simulation rooms. The size of the display allows for large amounts of data from different sources to be communicated quickly to a room full of employees. As new information becomes available the entire workforce can react as a unit. The increased collaboration can help you to hit deadlines and respond effectively to situations as they arise.

Long lifetime and low maintenance
Another benefit of video walls is that they require very little maintenance and are designed for long-term usage. Compared to an alternative, such as a projector, a video wall will last much longer and see less degradation in brightness and picture quality over time.

The life expectancy of a video will vary depending on how long it is used, if features like brightness are turned up to maximum and if the display is an LED or LCD. The average lifespan of an LED video wall is 100,000 hours while an LCD is expected to last around 50,000 hours.

What are the types of video walls?
There are two types of video walls – LCD video walls and LED video walls. Deciding which option to go for is your first step in selecting the video wall you wish to invest in.

We’ll cover the main differences below, but for a more detailed breakdown of the differences between LED and LCD video walls, please see this article.

The difference in technology
LCD video wall panels use Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) technology. LCDs are not light-emitting, which means that they have backlights (normally LED) behind the glass to illuminate the display.

LEDs use light-emitting diodes as individual pixels across the entire display. Each LED acts as a tiny bulb that emits colour when electrically engaged. There is no need for a backlight because the LEDs produce light while producing the image. The technology can be referred to as Direct View LED.

Neither option is universally better than the other. Which technology you select depends on your environment and needs. The main factors that will affect your choice are:

Brightness and environment
In terms of overall brightness LED screens are able to offer a higher level. This is because LED screens can be used in outdoor environments, therefore they need a high brightness for content to be readable in sunlight. LED panels will go up to 6,000 nits in brightness. As LCD video walls are designed for indoor environments, they do not require high brightness levels and therefore range at around 500 nits or 700 nits.

The size you want your video wall to be will be a factor in determining which screen type best suits your needs. LED walls can be scaled to a huge area. Think about the size of the outdoor LED walls you might see running advertisements on city buildings, like in Times Square in New York, or at stadiums and arenas. LCD panels can be tiled together to create a large display wall too, such as a configuration of 18×6 panels for a control room. Yet, LCD has a limit, whereas LED walls are pretty limitless when it comes to size.

We’ll go into more detail about the cost of a video wall project later in this guide. Generally speaking, an LED video is much higher in cost. On average, you would consider a budget of around £5,000 or $6,000 for the lowest specification LCD video wall panels in a 2×2 set-up. Whereas, at the lowest end of LED, you would be looking at around £40,000 or $50,000 for an average project.

Features Of Interactive Panels For Schools And Offices

Best Online Teaching Strategies For eLearning Classrooms

How can you turn educational processes in the virtual classroom into a remarkable learning experience for your students? You can enrich your teaching style with interactive strategies that will make your learners more engaged in your lessons and truly excited to participate in the learning activities.

The purpose of interactive teaching strategies is to improve your students’ interest in the learning process and make them active participants in the lessons. Interactive activities offer broader benefits than simply achieving educational goals. In fact, you can easily incorporate this type of exercise into your virtual classroom lessons to help improve your student’s communication skills and teamwork abilities, as well as to develop their creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.

In addition, interactive activities teach students patience, tolerance, and understanding toward others and encourage them to think outside the box.

With this type of teaching approach, students learn in a different way – instead of being passive listeners to the lecture during the lesson, they are actively involved in the learning process by participating in activities, games, discussions, solving mysteries, storytelling, and so on.

The largest group of activities includes interaction between the teacher and students or student-to-student interaction. A fulfilling remote learning experience must include an abundance of materials and content, such as visuals, audio and video content, hands-on experiments and demonstrations, etc. One of the most convenient tools for interactive activities in the virtual classroom is the online whiteboard as it supports various types of files and provides the perfect conditions for collaboration in real-time with multiple participants.

Interactive Teaching Strategies For Learning In The Virtual Classroom

Brainstorming is an awesome activity to include in your lessons to boost your students’ creativity and excitement about the topics you are teaching. It is the perfect group exercise where every participant can contribute with their ideas and knowledge on the online whiteboard. Brainstorming is one of the easiest-to-do interactive activities because it has countless forms ­– from short sessions that encourage students to share ideas on a certain question or topic, to longer sessions where you can go into deep discussions on the subject of the lesson.

The virtual classroom is well equipped with tools that make brainstorming fun and effective, like the online whiteboard, the chat feature, and the videoconferencing feature. How do you hold a brainstorming session? Think of a topic or a word/expression/term that is related to the lesson and present it to your students. Come up with rules for sharing content and ideas in a way that will include everyone, yet will prevent chaos during the brainstorming session. For example, students can use the raise-a-hand feature in the virtual classroom when they want to share content. The online whiteboard supports various types of content and multimedia. Students can easily draw, write texts, or share images on the topic.

Educational games, puzzles, quizzes, and competitions

When there is fun, there is engagement. Bring excitement into the learning process by incorporating different games, quizzes, and even competitions that are suitable for the lessons, as well as for the age of the students. There are classic games that can easily be played online in the virtual classroom, like word puzzles, Hangman, Pictionary, Two Truths and a Lie, and many others. Many students love to compete. Set teams and assign a breakout room to each group of students. Give the same task to everybody, such as “Who can come up with the most flowers that bloom in the fall,” or “Make a list of animals starting with the letter ‘K’.” Set a timer for the assignment. After the time is up, the teams can join the general online whiteboard and share their results. It is a great opportunity to start discussions on various topics and learn more in-depth about the subjects of the assignments.


Storytelling is an exceptional interactive activity that can be incorporated in many different forms and on many occasions in the virtual classroom. For instance, the teacher can use this activity to present a new topic with the help of various sources, including images, videos, different voices, cards, etc. on the online whiteboard via videoconferencing. In addition, storytelling can be used as a group activity. Divide the students into teams, give them the topic, and assign them to different breakout rooms where each team can create their own story on an online whiteboard. After all the groups have completed the task, the whole class can share their stories on the main online whiteboard.

Think, pair, and share

This is a great interactive strategy that improves your students’ problem-solving skills, creativity, teamwork skills, and critical thinking. Usually, the teacher presents a problem that is related to the subject of the lesson and encourages discussions in the class. After students have expressed their ideas and solutions, the teacher divides the class into groups and assigns them to work in teams in separate breakout rooms for a certain period of time. Every student has to contribute to the task and participate in the exercise by communicating with their teammates and sharing ideas.

The online whiteboards in the breakout rooms become the field for brainstorming and collecting ideas and content in various forms until the team agrees on the final answers to the task. The last part of this exercise is shared with the rest of the class. This is the moment when students from the different breakout rooms take turns presenting their solutions to the problem on the main online whiteboard. The rest of the teams can take notes and, after all of the groups of students have finished with their presentations, it is time for a discussion and, why not, a peer-assessment activity. The Think, Pair, and Share exercise is a wonderful way to develop the problem-solving skills of students and encourage them to think outside the box.

Interactive teaching strategies bring excitement to the classroom and offer an alternative to the concept of passive learning where students have to listen to the educator and memorize the lectures. When learners are active participants in the educational process, they learn while, at the same time, having fun and being active and engaged. Interactive activities stimulate creative thinking in learners and, in general, have the potential to be more effective in achieving learning goals.

What are the advantages of smart boards in schools?

What are the advantages of smart boards in schools?

What are the advantages of smart digital boards for schools?

Smart digital boards for teachers are very useful of the digital board for teaching. Digital board for the classroom or smart boards in the classroom makes smart education.

This is just a single illustration of the numerous advantages of interactive whiteboards over normal blackboards or whiteboards. The technology, which is getting more extensively espoused in seminaries across the country, has also been proven to help scholars stay engaged with their practice.

Smart boards — also called interactive whiteboards ore-boards to ameliorate the literacy experience while making preceptors ’ lives better. They allow preceptors and scholars to learn collaboratively, share lines, access online coffers, and use educational software.
Then are five of the top uses of smart boards in tutoring and literacy, and how they can profit every pupil.

1. Boost pupil engagement

Scholars are digital natives, and experimenters say they learn better because of it. One experimenter set up that smart boards “ increased pupil engagement, increased peer collaboration, and strengthen( ed) appreciation. ” With smart boards like the Samsung Interactive Pro, preceptors can produce further dynamic assignments by writing or codifying on screen, calling attention to certain motifs with highlights, circles, arrows or zooming in — and participating multimedia content similar as vids, webpages, donations, and images. The smart board can indeed be divided into multiple sections so more than one pupil can work on it at formerly.

2. Accommodate different literacy styles

Whether a child is a visual learner, an auditory learner, or a kinesthetic(hands-on) learner, an interactive whiteboard benefits them all. Visual learners get the benefit of a 4K UHD screen — similar as the one on Samsung’s interactive whiteboards — while audile learners can hear multimedia content, and hands-on learners can come up to the board and write on it with a stylus, or indeed with their cutlet. preceptors can use the smart board for tutoring small groups, organized by learning style, or one-on-one with individual scholars.

3. Save, share, and shoot assignments

Indeed before COVID- 19, K- 12 preceptors were spending some of their time creating packets for scholars who were out sick. But now, preceptors can use a smart board to take screenshots of their assignments, incontinently saving them and transferring them to the whole class and any associates who may need them. The content options are measureless preceptors can save their own notes so they can pick right up where they left off, or they can produce review accouterments for scholars to study with at home. This is specially salutary for scholars who are running their peers since they no longer have to struggle to keep up with the pace of the assignment and take notes in realtime. However, they can fluently relate back to the assignment in their own time, If they miss a commodity.

Smartboard incipiency is easy at the morning of the day — just turn on and go. And at the end of the day, preceptors can turn off the board without demanding to abolish anything or take physical notes about what they covered.

What are the advantages of smart boards in schools?


4. Bring the classroom to everyone

Whether some or all of the class is learning ever, smart boards make it easier for preceptors to include these scholars via videoconference technology. There’s no need to set up any special cameras. scholars at home can see everything the schoolteacher is doing and interact with their peers, too. This not only enables cold-blooded literacy, it encourages it.

5. Help scholars succeed

A study out of Ataturk University proved that scholars who learned via an interactive whiteboard did significantly better on standardized tests than those who didn’t use the technology. The same study points out that “ visual accouterments, oils, symbols, and screen designs grease literacy and increase permanence in literacy. ” Another study linked achievement on the Ohio Achievement Reading Tests to the use of interactive whiteboards, across all grade situations.

Given all the ways interactive boards enhance the literacy experience, academy sections that invest in Smart digital boards are investing in their scholars.

How do you set up a smart classroom?

How do you set up a smart classroom?

The scale of elaboration that the education assiduity has gone through over the last many months remains monumental. From traditional literacy to smart literacy, the assiduity escalated fleetly. Smart classrooms have taken over the sector to help literacy loss in seminaries worldwide.

What’s a smart classroom?
A smart classroom is an Venus- upgraded classroom that enhances the tutoring and literacy process for both the preceptors and the scholars by inculcating audio, videotape, robustness, images, multimedia, etc. This increases the engagement factor and leads to better-performing scholars. This approach has been doing prodigies, primarily when scholars can slightly concentrate in an online setup — smart class technology helps scholars engage better.

Unleashing the eventuality of technology
When the world has come to a deadlock, especially in the education assiduity, it becomes imperative to borrow technology to survive. numerous educational institutes have kept technology at bay, allowing it needs earth-shattering changes; still, that’s incorrect. New-age results allow academy possessors to emplace technology fluently without making any infrastructural changes. With the help of an intertwined operation result, a class becomes smart, and other executive tasks that came harrowing following a horizonless academy check come easy.

would have questioned the education system if it didn’t howl to a halt. It was only after the epidemic that its loopholes got exposed, and the need for a model that’s not so flimsy was felt.
Also, the Indian education system has promoted rote literacy for periods that didn’t help scholars with the chops needed for the future. A study by LinkedIn says that 85 of the jobs that will live in 2030 haven’t been constructed yet. A model beyond traditional literacy is needed to prepare scholars for unborn jobs.

Upskilling for the sake of unborn
Smart classroom support the unborn vision where scholars are trained in active literacy, adaptability, stress forbearance, and inflexibility. Smart class technology allows scholars to develop chops that else remain amiss in a traditional setup. Critical thinking and problem-working is generally the chops at the top of any employer list, and smart class technology helps to hone these chops via cooperative literacy. Also, smart classes let scholars learn at their own pace with the help of ample coffers, which makes them tone-reliant. Smart class technology also facilitates a mongrel literacy model, pivotal in the current times of dislocation.

How is Venus making smart literacy possible in Indian seminaries?
Venus has been changing the Indian education sector in multiple ways. Once an academy decides to mate with Venus, the former becomes smart and allows learning deeply- embedded in quality. Every schoolteacher at Venus is equipped with a schoolteacher tablet loaded with assignment plans, audiovisual coffers, and training coffers. The Excellence directors at Venus train and companion preceptors throughout the time to develop their chops and help them continuously upgrade. At Venus-powered seminaries, preceptors use an assignment plan rather than a book and follow a concentric design of assignment plans. The preceptors also have unique tutoring strategies designed for non-English background scholars

At Venus, parents will also stay streamlined about their child’s performance. Venus Parent & Pupil app lets them see their child’s schoolwork, attendance, assessment, unit progress, and class filmland.

  • Excellent literacy
  • Excellent tutoring
  • Excellent academy leadership
  • High parent engagement

How do you create a smart classroom?

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Why Need Canon Professional Camera UHD 4K Video Recording?

Why Need Canon Professional Camera UHD 4K Video Recording?


The Canon XA65 Canon Professional Camera UHD 4K Camcorder is a compact, lightweight camera that features many similarities to its XA45 predecessor, including UHD 4K capture, a 1/2.3″ CMOS sensor, two XLR audio inputs, and one each mini-HDMI and BNC 3G-SDI output, making it suitable for the ENG category for documentary or journalism-style productions. This streamlined model features a larger 3.5mm LCD capacitive touchscreen display, a higher resolution tiltable 0.36″ OLED EVF, XF-AVC and MP4 recording formats, OSD metadata recording, and fast USB Type-C video-only output with UVC support for livestreaming to a computer.

The lens optics include an integrated 20x 4K/HD optical zoom and an eight-bladed circular iris for more natural highlights. The camera’s pro-style features include Hybrid, Normal, Face Only, manual focus, Instant, and Canon’s Medium autofocus; fast- and slow-motion recording, full manual control, optical and electronic image stabilization, a 3.5″ touchscreen LCD, user-assignable buttons, infrared mode, and a DIG!C DV 6 image processor with high sensitivity and low noise.

The camera records UHD 4K30 and Full HD 1080p60 captured to dual SD card slots, and it outputs to mini-HDMI and 3G-SDI ports. The dual SD card slots allow for automatic switching from one card to another, as well as simultaneous recording to both. The camera can output up to 1920 x 1080p 10-bit 4:2:2 video at 59.94 fps via its mini-HDMI and 3G-SDI outputs. On the audio side, the XA65 features up to four channels of LPCM audio in 720p mode with manual/automatic recording levels, two XLR inputs with phantom power, and a 3.5mm stereo mini input. It features a built-in stereo microphone as well as a headphone jack.

Canon 4K Sensor

A 4K sensor and DIGIC DV6 image processor deliver crisp, sharp UHD images, and an 8-blade iris achieves cinema-style out-of-focus highlights. Frame your shot with the ultrabright 3.5″ LCD or use the built-in OLED electronic viewfinder (EVF).
On-Screen Display (OSD) “Time Stamp” Recording
OSD recording embeds date, time, timecode, and other data into your original camera files, effectively “time stamping” the information into each frame of video, a requirement for legal and law enforcement videographers.
UVC Livestreaming
Stream HD video directly from the camera via UVC1 to a Windows or macOS computer. Audio output through USB is not supported.
Professional Audio Controls
Two XLR terminals on a detachable handle plus 4-channel linear PCM bring a suite of pro audio options.
4K 20x Optical Zoom Lens
The Canon lens covers a 29.3mm wide angle (35mm equivalent) with a powerful 612mm reach. Digital zoom boosts the 20x optical zoom to 800x magnification. To minimize camera shake, the camera provides Canon’s Dynamic IS 5-axis image stabilization.
Fast, Precise Focusing with Face Detection
The X65 features adjustable focusing speeds, and an advanced Hybrid AF system provides fast and precise focusing. Use the ultrabright high-resolution 3.5″ LCD to set focus by touching the AF point on the screen. Face Detection AF and Face Tracking are available, while manual focus is set via the focus/zoom ring.
XF-AVC and MP4 for Flexible Recording
Choose from XF-AVC or MP4 recording formats. Record XF-AVC 4K UHD 160 Mb/s at 30P and Full HD 45 Mb/s at 60p/60i and 30/24p. For smaller files, record MP4 in 4K 150 Mb/s at 30/24p and Full HD 35 Mb/s or 17 Mb/s at 60/30/24p.
Professional Input and Output
Output options include simultaneous backup and relay recording via dual SD cards and Infrared mode. Record Slow Motion in Full 5x HD or Fast Motion in 4K/Full HD up to 1200x. Color match with other Canon cameras using the custom picture menu.


How Can Interactive Whiteboards Be Used in the Classroom?

How Can Interactive Whiteboards Be Used in the Classroom?

Most of us grew up using chalkboards in school and traditional dry erase whiteboards in our professional lives. Those analog technologies will probably always have a place in the world, but if you’ve ever used an interactive whiteboard, it’s clear that digital technology has a huge upside.

School systems and higher education institutions are among its biggest adopters, and educators appreciate how interactive whiteboards enrich their classrooms and student learning.

What is an Interactive Whiteboard?

An interactive whiteboard, sometimes called an interactive smart whiteboard or electronic whiteboard, is an educational technology tool that allows teachers to display their computer screen or mobile device’s screen onto a whiteboard mounted to a wall or mobile cart. Unlike a traditional projector and screen, students and teachers can interact, collaborate and even manipulate data on the touch screen using their finger or a stylus tool.

Whether you’ve been using an interactive digital whiteboard in the classroom for years, or you’re thinking about adding it to your technology stack, here are a few benefits and tips to get the most out of them.

1. Capture Great Ideas

The most obvious interactive whiteboard benefit is that it is your blank canvas. Teachers can use it to make a list of subjects to research or to list the implications of whatever topic is being discussed. Those lists can be captured, shared or even turned into the starting point for students’ homework assignments.

Simply print out the notes. Better yet, publish them as a PDF to your website or email them so students can access them at home. Sharing digital files helps reduce paper usage and support your school’s green initiatives. For example, with our Sharp AQUOS boards, you can save the digital ink layer, then capture a screenshot that you can save, email or post on your website.

2. Create Multimedia Presentations

You can go beyond capturing a single page when you put your whiteboard’s screen recording tools to work. Many whiteboards make it possible to record audio, and with online screen recording tools, you can create a multimedia presentation right from the content on your board. Leveraging the many ways that whiteboards can capture information helps integrate several different learning styles, whether through visual, auditory or hands-on interactions.

3. Teach Collaborative Problem-Solving Skills

With the interactive whiteboard as the central tool, teachers can pose a question to the group and hand the reins over to students to let them solve the problem. Students can get hands-on and collaborate using the interactive whiteboard. Because it’s connected to the internet, they can use online information to help them come to a conclusion. Even remote students can participate and provide feedback in real time.

4. Reach Students in a New Way

Perhaps the biggest advantage interactive whiteboards offer is the ability for your students to interact with the subject matter and manipulate objects right on the whiteboard. Research shows that kids learn best when lessons cater to a variety of learning styles. For example, interactive lessons that get kids up and out of their seats appeal to kinesthetic learners.

On a regular white board, you can write notes and draw diagrams to make your point. Interactive whiteboards can do things like spotlight a capital city on a map, reveal text line-by-line as you read or highlight words with your finger. You can also create boxes that hide text and images to reveal later in your lesson. Sections of the board can be magnified to draw attention to specific elements of your lesson such as graphs, keywords or images.

5. Keep All Students Engaged in Learning

How can interactive whiteboards keep learners engaged in the lesson? With interactive tools, instead of always calling on the students who seem to always raise their hands, you can make sure everyone has a voice. Enter students’ names ahead of time in a random name generator, then choose students as their names come up. You can also use this tool to assign groups randomly for quick activities. Because today’s young people are digital natives, digital whiteboard functionalities are easily adopted.

6. Leverage Online Resources

Interactive whiteboards can support many free resources and ready-made lesson plans available online. Graphics, sounds and special effects are ready to go; all you need to do is plug in the variables for your own lessons. And, of course, in addition to online resources and text-based lessons, interactive whiteboards also support video and PowerPoint presentations.

7. Remain Mobile

With a wireless pad and pen, you can now control your interactive whiteboard from anywhere in the classroom, so there’s no need to turn your back on the class as you teach. You can download interactive whiteboard apps to turn your iPad or other tablet into a remote controller. Students can draw or write on iPads using apps such as Ink2go or one from your manufacturer.

Let your students use these tools to demonstrate understanding of math problems, label parts of a simple machine or ask a question for you or their classmates to answer, leaving you free to supervise and help individual students.

These examples show how interactive whiteboards and free online lessons and apps can combine to make the modern, digital classroom a much more enjoyable and effective learning environment. To learn more, see the interactive whiteboard options from Gordon Flesch Company or contact us for a free consultation.

Why need Interactive Flat Panel Smart Educational System

Why need Interactive Flat Panel Smart Educational System

Interactive Flat Panel Smart Educational System

Once we hear the phrase ‘Smart Classroom’, the primary issues we take into consideration are academics, blackboards, chalk, and duster. However, in the present day, know-how has surpassed our creativity of the classroom.

In the course of the pandemic, we’ve got seen a noticeable improvement in instructional requirements, developments, and improvements within the subject of training. Faculties and different instructional establishments have adopted fashionable instructing strategies by way of digital whiteboards, projectors, and different audio/visible parts. All these parts of a sensible class make studying enjoyable and attention-grabbing for scholars and allow academics to show successfully.


Here’s a checklist of some main advantages of utilizing good classroom know-how:

Enhanced Studying Expertise

A digital good classroom offers enhanced instructing and studying expertise. We attempt to make classes come alive by way of good courses, offering audio-visual publicity to the scholars. We use the TeachNext instrument as an instance the data utilizing photographs, graphs, maps, flowcharts, and animated movies. This makes studying extra thrilling and simple to grasp. Studying by way of visuals helps the scholars to be taught and memorize the subject for a protracted time period.

Interactive Studying Expertise

Moodle Administration System, which eases the method of studying.

It helps the academics interact with college students with media and clarify every part of the lesson with some particular results and graphic shows.
It facilitates simple communication with college students through messaging, boards, and cellular notifications.
It helps to create a fast FAQ session between academics and college students a place college students can clear their doubts.
Lecturers can monitor the scholars’ progress and encourage them with digital rewards.

Straightforward Entry to On-line Sources

Everyone knows that good courses are synchronized with computer systems and the web, enabling easy accessibility to on-line assets. Lecturers can clarify any matter on a sensible foundation, and college students can obtain and watch already recorded movies to clear their doubts. To make this course of simpler and improve the teaching-learning expertise, makes use of Google for Training.

We use Google Meet to assist the academics conduct courses and simply converse through movies.
Google Classroom is used to observe the recorded movies, distribute assignments, and supply suggestions within the grading instrument.
myCBSEguide platform is utilized by college students for video classes, on-line checks, chapter-wise textbook options, pattern papers, and check papers.

Time Saving Expertise

College students are recurring in writing notes at school, which tends to divert their consideration from studying. However with the assistance of the good class, notes and shows could be shared immediately with the scholars. Numerous instruments can even assist academics distribute assignments, present suggestions, and contain in discussions.

Eco Pleasant

Sensible school rooms make the most of good devices for studying and instructing, which partially eliminates the usage of paper, pen, ink, pencils, and so forth. The lectures are delivered digitally, and all the pieces is offered on-line; therefore there isn’t a want for writing and printing data. We will say, this is without doubt one of the main advantages of good courses to maintain nature wholesome and inexperienced.

Elevated Productiveness

Sensible courses assist in creating curiosity amongst college students and avoiding boredom. Using good know-how within the class attracts college students’ consideration by displaying animated media, resembling movies, photos, and audio which creates higher studying outcomes. It not solely enhances the aesthetics of instructing but additionally helps college students visualize ideas of their minds, making studying simpler.

Extremely Efficient

In response to Psychologists, visible studying utilizing good know-how parts like pictures, graphs, movement charts, movies, and so forth., are thought-about extremely efficient and assist college students grasp the ideas rapidly. Sensible school rooms additionally scale back distractions, and due to this fact, college students can focus extra and retain extra data.

Encourage College students

A sensible Smart Classroom makes use of good class tools like a digital board, projectors, computer systems, LED, and so forth., for imparting high-quality training. The audio/visuals displayed by way of the tools are intriguing for college kids and assist construct curiosity in them. It additionally works in sharpening the artistic creativeness of scholars. As an example, in a sensible class, when a pupil sees a seed flip right into a plant, he will get an thought of how to attract a plant with all its particulars.


As mentioned above, good classroom know-how is a boon for the training system. It boosts the arrogance of the scholars and encourages them to suppose past their creativeness. the good class know-how lengthy earlier than; as we all know, college students of in the present day are the futures of tomorrow, and it is just proper that we put money into a greater tomorrow.

Which is best SMART Board for teaching?

Which is best SMART Board for teaching?

6 Best Smart boards for Classroom to Improve Learning Experience

Smart boards for Classrooms are an amazing technology that has improved average classroom writing surfaces like never before. If you want to upgrade your traditional classroom boards, here are 6 interactive whiteboard solutions you’ll love!

Smart boards for Classrooms are no longer just for business presentations; they have crept into the educational scene and are here to stay! Loading screens are no longer an issue! Because smartboards are relatively fast, you can quickly access your presentations and documents and get to work!

Follow along as we compare the benefits of six incredible smart boards designed for smart classroom use.

6 Best Smartboards for Classroom to Improve Learning Experience

1. Smartask  Interactive Flat Panel Display

The Smartask is a flat surface interactive display board. Its 65-inch display screen and 4k 3840 x 2160 HD resolution bring images to life in a way never seen before!

The use of 20-point multi-touch technology enables user-friendly interactive presentations. Smart boards for classrooms allow for both LAN and wireless connections.

It enables multiple users to be active at the same time! The AG Smartask supports screen sharing via Airplay, Miracast, and Chromecast from a variety of mobile devices.

2. SMART Board SB680-R2-846142 Interactive Whiteboard & Projector combo

This 77-inch SMART whiteboard is more than just an interactive whiteboard. It’s also a projector!

It has a 1200:1 contrast ratio and excellent native resolution. Users can quickly draw or write with their fingers or touch pens on a touch-sensitive surface. You can edit or write notes directly into your presentation using any computer application thanks to innovative smart technologies.

3. DTEN ON 55-inch All-in-One Collaboration Device

The Dten is yet another fantastic smart board for teaching. Even students seated in the back of a smart classroom will have no trouble seeing the content with a 55-inch display. Images with 4K resolution are always bright and crisp.

With an auto framing camera and smart ePTZ technology, you can capture content perfectly every time.

The Dten is not only fantastic in terms of visuals but also in audio! System-specific audio functions, such as long-range audio detection and noise reduction technology, produce crystal-clear sound.

4. Vibe All-in-one Interactive Smart Board

The Vibe OS allows for multi-device sharing and editing. Vibe Cloud, a partner app, can be used to facilitate long-distance learning by enabling video conferencing and screen sharing. Video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Webex are also supported by the Vibe OS.

Up to four users can share and edit documents at the same time. Content can be saved and easily retrieved when needed. Users can save their documents to the Vibe Cloud or export them to other cloud storage services like Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, and Box.

5. Smart Tech Interactive Smart Board SBX85

This is a smart board and projector set that includes all of the necessary accessories to get you up and running. When you buy a Smart Tech interactive whiteboard, you get a lot of collaboration tools, including a Smart Projector UX60, 2 speakers, 2 Smartpens for the board, 1 Smartboard tray, 1 eraser, 1 power cord for the board and 1 for the projector, a USB and HDMI cable for connectivity, and 1 set of installation hardware.

Smart Tech didn’t skimp on the surface area! There’s plenty of room for dual editing and a clear display on an 87-inch screen.

6. IPEVO IW2 Wireless Interactive Whiteboard System

The Ipevo IW2 is an interactive presentation system with a one-of-a-kind control panel!

You can use this device to transform any flat surface into an interactive projector and whiteboard. The control panel provides you with unique pen power, allowing you to annotate with the click of a button. This system is simple to use with remote controls!

You have access to thousands of digital colours, 11 different line thicknesses, quick erase and saving capabilities, and many other model advantages!

These are the 6 Best Smart boards for Classroom to Improve Learning Experience.

Interactive Flat Panel Displays and their Benefits to your Classroom

Interactive Flat Panel Displays and their Benefits to your Classroom

Benefits of Interactive Displays in the Classroom

Increased Interaction & Collaboration
Interactive Flat Panel Displays support active learning through student engagement opportunities and creating a more efficient classroom for teachers and administrators. Showing videos and slides can be enhanced to allow students to become involved in the learning process. By providing these newer and increased numbers of activities, teachers facilitate active learning. Multi-touch capabilities let groups of students edit and experience onscreen content as a team and brainstorm. Students can experiment and demonstrate their results to the rest of the class.

Better Student Engagement
Students in classes that utilize interactive touch displays are often more engaged and more attentive. This benefit is seen at all levels of education, along with improvements to participation, motivation, and cooperation.

Enhanced Support for All Learning Styles
Lessons that allow students to use the board let kinesthetic learners be active by standing up and moving while learning. Videos and multimedia presentations are great for visual and auditory learners. Teachers can capture and save notes written on the screen to send to students who learn from reading. This support creates an opportunity for learning at home or at one’s own pace. Assistive technology built into interactive displays can help students with special needs by displaying captions, text highlighters, and using text to speech software.

Touch screens create a more inclusive classroom by supporting users with special needs, including physical impairment, as using a mouse and keyboard can be a challenge. Arthritis for some creates difficulty operating a mouse or keyboard, whereas using a stylus or ‘touch’ can be easier with the same or similar results.

Interactive displays offer effective and trackable feedback. When students receive more feedback, the learning environment is improved. By providing timely and consistent feedback, students learn at a faster rate.

Classroom Management
Interactive touch screen displays help keep classes productive and focused. When students are more engaged, they are less likely to become disruptive. Fun and dynamic lessons, when created effectively, fascinate students and gain attention. Handy tools such as timers, games with animations, and noise level meters make a cohesive classroom.

Interactive displays enhance the communication of teachers to students. One opportunity is when displays aren’t in use, IT and media specialists in a school can use them to share important messages such as emergency alerts. In the event of an emergency, interactive displays can display alerts that communicate important information. To improve the communication in your school, you should choose an interactive display for your classroom that allows you to show Rise Vision on it when it’s idle.

Ease of Use
Ease of use is one of the most important aspects when building touchscreens. This user-friendly focus does not require concentration compared to a keyboard and mouse setup. Interactive displays should not require any training other than using the software and tools that come with each unit.

Like most work, speed is relative to the task at hand. Teachers using these devices are looking for efficiency in their lesson instruction. Traditional mouse and keyboards are a quick click-and-drag but the accuracy of clicks is improved with a stylus. Using a finger on a touch screen display affects this accuracy and may result in a delay of lessons if a mistake is made and needs to be corrected.

Interactive displays use glass coated with a material that prevents smudges and dirt from collecting on them. For this reason, teachers enjoy incorporating classroom engagement with student volunteers to use the technology as a learning opportunity. Then when the lesson is completed and before the following one, screens can be easily cleaned.

Student using interactive display and stylus.Where do touchscreen devices find their way into classrooms?

SMART boards were one of the first established interactive displays for education and still one of the most well-known and recognized interactive whiteboards today. Interactive whiteboards are often called a “smartboard”. SMART is a brand name and subsequently has many competitors.

SMART gained brand recognition by providing durable, steel-backed, touch-sensitive, multitouch whiteboards with an additional offering of interactive LED and LCDs. SMART is known for its Notebook classroom software which offers a great user experience. Notebook is an educational tool that provides abilities to draw, annotate, and screen record. No board fits all size requirements and needs for a classroom.

Promethean launched themselves into the market by offering touch-sensitive interactive whiteboards with styluses. Their current products now include multi-touch LED and LCD interactive displays. Their devices allow more than one user at a time or one user to use two-handed gestures. These core offerings make them comparable to SMART.

Class flow software are included with Promethean interactive systems, making them impactful for educators, businesses, and government applications. Promethean displays offer tools for math and media, as well as high-quality presentation functionality. Activin spire is an interactive presentation program. These award-winning lesson delivery applications are pre-built and configurable to educator’s needs through the Promethean Planet Platform.

Promethean devices come pre-installed with their Whiteboard app with the capability of true annotation, which is comparable to SMART’s screen capture with text that can be layered on top. Promethean Titanium arrives with a built-in Android 8 computer with no annual maintenance fee (SMART Notebook software has a fee).

Interactive Displays provide benefits no matter the location in the school. Some key features include wireless content sharing from any device and two-way screen control with built-in speakers. Newline displays are optically bonded (the process of gluing the touchscreen to the LCD cell to fill the air gap between them completely). The end result of this process creates a clear viewing experience from anywhere in the room.

Clear Touch is another competitor in the interactive display industry. Their product and service offering makes them unique. Clear Touch sells interactive displays, software, and solutions in all shapes and sizes. They offer training and technical support for all of their devices.

Their projectors can be adopted for home theatres, conference rooms, large venues, and classrooms. Viewsonic currently features a line of monitors, used for gaming, home, and business professionals.

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